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Meet Lola Miller - Space traveler, roving reporter, experienced loser at love, and my alter-ego. Of course Lola, being a cartoon character, is bestowed with super-powers: She never ages, can travel forwards and backwards in time, has an unlimited expense account, and her hairdo never changes.

Read her Postcards From A Broad and get up-front and in-your-face interviews with such luminaries as the pope during the Spanish Inquisition, hear Gandhi on the Art of War, meet J. Edgar Hoover's ego, and finally find out why God created all those vicious dinosaurs.

You will hear private conversations between Henry Vlll and his conscience, witness O.J.'s confession, journey with Lola on a round-trip excursion to Heaven, and meet Old Saint Nick himself.

Be there when the Last Tuna is fished out of the sea, discover who killed George Washington, and find out where Jimmy Hoffa has been hiding all these years.

the horses mouthGet the scoop right from the horse's mouth on Catherine the Great, and find out what Mrs.Joseph Smith really
thought about plural marriage.

Lola on camelCaravan with the Crusaders as they rape, pillage and ravage their way to the Holy Land. Dine with the gods on Mount Olympus.

Meet all of Lola's ex-husbands in her Ex-Files, read expert advice in her Lonely Hearts Club column, and re-live the horrors of raising Sid the Kid.

J.Edgar Hoover's Ego The Last Tuna Award Lola's Ego